Doris Hutzler

Doris Hutzler

Doris Hutzler,

Doris advises financial service providers on compliance issues on a strategic and operational level, with a focus on AML compliance, due diligence, transaction analysis and suspicious activity reporting as well as FIDLEG/FINIG.

Doris regularly lectures and publishes on selected issues in the areas of white-collar crime and money laundering prevention, teaches at universities and universities of applied sciences and is a co-author of the commentary "Kriminelles Vermögen - Kriminelle Organisationen" (Schulthess, 2018).

Before joining LCR Services as a partner, Doris spent several years in a management position in the Financial Crime Compliance department of a major Swiss bank, where she was in charge of the investigation of suspicious activity and its reporting to the Swiss Money Laundering Reporting Office (MROS).

Doris gained her professional experience in Zurich, Lucerne and New York. She holds a law degree from the University of Zurich, a doctorate in criminal procedure law from the Universities of Lucerne and Munster and an LL.M. from the University of Chicago Law School (2012).


Office: +41 44 251 24 50, Mobile: +41 79 706 60 67